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BlueprintForActors dataclass

Creates a blueprint to expose actors. This blueprint handles exposing the Actor objects and their Inboxes

If application_actor is not set, it is set to the actor with name actor from the list actors.


Name Type Description Default
actors List[ActorData]

The actors to expose through the blueprint

application_actor ActorData | None

Can be used to specify the application actor. Otherwise, the actor from actors with name ‘actor’ is used.

on_inbox Callable[[dict], Awaitable] | None

Awaited when a message is received in the inbox. The json content of the message is passed as a parameter.

Source code in fediverse_pasture/server/
class BlueprintForActors:
    """Creates a blueprint to expose actors. This blueprint handles
    exposing the Actor objects and their Inboxes

    If `application_actor` is not set, it is set to the actor
    with name `actor` from the list `actors`.

    :param actors: The actors to expose through the blueprint
    :param application_actor: Can be used to specify the application
        actor. Otherwise, the actor from `actors` with name 'actor' is used.
    :param on_inbox: Awaited when a message is received in the inbox. The
        json content of the message is passed as a parameter."""

    actors: List[ActorData]
    application_actor: ActorData | None = None
    on_inbox: Callable[[dict], Awaitable] | None = None

    def __post_init__(self):
        if self.application_actor is None:
            self.application_actor = self.actor_for_name("actor")

    def actor_for_name(self, name: str) -> ActorData | None:
        for actor in self.actors:
            if actor.actor_name == name:
                return actor
        return None

    def actor_for_user(self, user: str) -> ActorData | None:
        for actor in self.actors:
            if actor.user_part == user:
                return actor
        return None

    async def validate_request(self, request):"Validating request")
        application_actor_id = f"{scheme_for_request(request)}://{}/actor"
        application, _ = bovine_actor_for_actor_data(
            application_actor_id, self.application_actor
        async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
            await application.init(session=session)

            async def key_retriever(key_id):
                logger.debug("Retrieving key for %s", key_id)
                result = await application.get(key_id)
                public_key, owner = actor_object_to_public_key(result, key_id)
                logger.debug("Got key %s for owner %s", public_key, owner)
                return CryptographicIdentifier.from_pem(public_key, owner)

            result = await build_validate_http_signature(key_retriever)(request)

            logger.debug("Got validation result %s", str(result))
            return result

    def blueprint(self) -> Blueprint:
        """[Quart Blueprint][quart.blueprints.Blueprint] providing the endpoints

            - GET /.well-known/webfinger
            - GET /<actor_name
            - POST /<actor_name>/inbox
        actor_blueprint = Blueprint("actors", __name__)

        async def webfinger():
            resource = request.args.get("resource")
            if not resource or not resource.startswith("acct:") or "@" not in resource:
                return "", 404

            acct = resource.removeprefix("acct:")
            user, domain = acct.split("@", 1)

            if domain !=
                return "", 404

            actor = self.actor_for_user(user)
            if not actor:
                return "", 404
            actor_id = (
            return webfinger_response_json(resource, actor_id)

        async def actor_get(actor_name):
            actor = self.actor_for_name(actor_name)
            if not actor:
                return "not found", 404
            if actor.requires_signed_get_for_actor:
                if not await self.validate_request(request):
                    return "unauthorized", 401
            actor_id = (
            _, data = bovine_actor_for_actor_data(actor_id, actor)
            return, 200, {"content-type": "application/activity+json"}"/<actor_name>/inbox")
        async def inbox_post(actor_name):
            actor = self.actor_for_name(actor_name)
            if not actor:
                return "not found", 404
            if actor.requires_signed_post_for_inbox:
                if not await self.validate_request(request):
                    return "unauthorized", 401

            if self.on_inbox:
                    data = await request.get_json()
                    await self.on_inbox(data)
                except Exception as e:
                    logger.warning("Something went wrong in inbox parsing")

            return "", 202

        return actor_blueprint

blueprint: Blueprint property

Quart Blueprint providing the endpoints

    - GET /.well-known/webfinger
    - GET /<actor_name
    - POST /<actor_name>/inbox


Returns a Blueprint that serves the directory as static files. Files ending in .jsonap will be served with content-type application/activity+json.


Name Type Description Default
directory str

Directory to serve static files from

Source code in fediverse_pasture/server/
def assets_blueprint_for_directory(directory: str) -> Blueprint:
    """Returns a [Blueprint][quart.blueprints.Blueprint] that serves the directory
    as static files. Files ending in `.jsonap` will be served with
    content-type `application/activity+json`.

    :param directory: Directory to serve static files from

    blueprint = Blueprint("assets", __name__)

    async def assets(filename):
        if filename.endswith(".jsonap"):
            return await send_from_directory(
                directory, filename, mimetype="application/activity+json"
        return await send_from_directory(directory, filename)

    return blueprint