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Verifying your Actor


A live version is available at Usage should be self explanatory, enter a Fediverse account into the search field and run the verification.

By using the verify_actor container provided by the Fediverse Pasture, you can test your actor implementation. The following screenshot shows the application in action.

Screenshot from Verifying your actor

If the result is shown as, you should try to repair how you authenticate requests to the inbox. By expanding the Options, you can choose to just run one of the test cases. The actor personas are detailed here.

Setup to test inside a container network

The following assumes that your have a container network network and which to test a container inside it.

docker run -p 2909:80 -ti \
  --network network \
  --hostname verify \
  helgekr/pasture verify_actor verify
podman run -p 2909:80 -ti \
  --network network \
  --hostname verify \ verify_actor verify

The option -ti is necessary, so you can terminate the process with CTRL+C. verify is the hostname the container will use inside the network.

This container now exposes port 2909, so one can open the web interface on http://localhost:2909/.


Instructions on how to run the python server can be found in the documentation of the fediverse_pasture python package, i.e. here.


To use verify_actor start your Fediverse server in a docker container and connect it to the network fediverse-pasture_default. Then when you open http://localhost:2909/ you are able to enter your actor in one of the following formats

  • user@domain, @user@domain, or the URI form acct:user@domain
  • http://your_server/your_actor_path representing the Actor object

verify_actor then fetches the actor object and sends a message to the inbox for each of the actor personas. The result is then displayed in a table, where a successful request is marked with an X.

The message send to the inbox is an activity chosen to be accepted by various applications. For example, this activity has an id property. This is necessary due to some applications process the activity before answering the request.


You can use the first format to verify your webfinger implementation.

Usage with ngrok

ngrok is a service that allows you to easily serve a local port to the internet. In order to use it with verify_actor, we will first start ngrok via

ngrok http 2909

This will display an URL, of the form From this take the domain name, and start verify_actor with

docker run -p 2909:80 -ti \
  helgekr/pasture verify_actor
podman run -p 2909:80 -ti \ verify_actor

You should now be able to open the URL, and thus run verify_actor against any active Fediverse server.

Actor Personas

verify_actor tests the Actor object and the inbox, with the following actors.

  1. An actor Alice using unsigned GET and POST requests.
  2. An actor Bob using signed GET and POST requests, whose actor object can be retrieved with a unsigned GET request.
  3. An actor Claire using signed GET and POST requests, whose actor object requires a signed GET request to be retrieved.
  4. Dean similar to Alice but no webfinger
  5. Emily similar to Bob but no webfinger
  6. Frank similar to Claire but no webfinger


Actors without acct-URI associated through webfinger are currently not common in the Fediverse. They exist to make people aware of this possibility.

Finally, verify_actor uses an Application actor actor. actor’s configuration is the same as Bob. actor is used by the application to fetch public keys to run verification. See Public Key Fetching for technical details.

In the simplest form the result is displayed as a table showing if the GET and POST requests were successful. The expected result is that both of Bob’s and Claire’s requests are successful.

Alice’s POST request should fail, and Alice’s GET request may fail.

Sample Results - on itself

For the usage on itself, we will not display the results for Dean, Emily, and Frank as the tool does not make use of webfinger. You can however observe the difference, as alice@pasture_verify_actor resolves but dean@pasture_verify_actor does not.


Name GET Actor POST Inbox
alice X X
bob X X
claire X X

This should be expected as alice does not check signatures. Also, we note that alice is not an example to follow.


For bob, we see that posting to the inbox becomes protected.

Name GET Actor POST Inbox
alice X
bob X X
claire X X


For claire, we see that now also getting the actor object is protected.

Name GET Actor POST Inbox
bob X X
claire X X

Sample Results - Mastodon

The following results are for the actor acct:jumbo@mastodon41web from the Mastodon part of the Fediverse Pasture. The meaning of AUTHORIZED_FETCH is explained in the Mastodon documentation. The difference between these two implementations arises from the GET requests having to be signed with AUTHORIZED_FETCH = True.

When implementing a Fediverse application, one should aim for that the result with testing with verify_actor looks like one of the two tables.


Name GET Actor POST Inbox
alice X
bob X X
claire X X
dean X
emily X
frank X


Name GET Actor POST Inbox
bob X X
claire X X

Raw output

In addition to the table above, verify_actor also provides a raw log of the actions that were created to create the above table.

  "steps": [
    "Got Actor Uri bob@mastodon_web",
    "Need to resolve bob@mastodon_web to actor object id",
    "Not in account uri format",
    "Resolving acct:bob@mastodon_web using webfinger",
    "Resolved to http://mastodon_web/users/bob",
    "Running verification for alice",
    "Got inbox http://mastodon_web/users/bob/inbox",
    "Got 401 for unsigned POST",
    "Running verification for bob",
    "Got inbox http://mastodon_web/users/bob/inbox",
    "Successfully posted to inbox",
    "Running verification for claire",
    "Got inbox http://mastodon_web/users/bob/inbox",
    "Successfully posted to inbox",
    "Running verification for dean",
    "Got inbox http://mastodon_web/users/bob/inbox",
    "Got 401 for unsigned POST",
    "Running verification for emily",
    "Got inbox http://mastodon_web/users/bob/inbox",
    "Failed to post to inbox",
    "ClientResponseError(RequestInfo(url=URL('http://mastodon_web/users/bob/inbox'), method='POST', headers=, real_url=URL('http://mastodon_web/users/bob/inbox')), (), status=401, message='Unauthorized', headers=)",
    "Running verification for frank",
    "Got inbox http://mastodon_web/users/bob/inbox",
    "Failed to post to inbox",
    "ClientResponseError(RequestInfo(url=URL('http://mastodon_web/users/bob/inbox'), method='POST', headers=, real_url=URL('http://mastodon_web/users/bob/inbox')), (), status=401, message='Unauthorized', headers=)",
    "Running verification for actor",
    "Got inbox http://mastodon_web/users/bob/inbox",
    "Got 401 for unsigned POST"

Known Implementation Challenges

I believe that getting this test case to clear is a good first step towards being able to have a running Fediverse server. I want to collect some challenges here, that I know people stumbled over in order to help you debug.

  1. Your server needs to be able to answer simultaneous requests in order to handle verification for Claire. This means that starting your application as the simplest development setup might not work.
  2. The format for the date header is in RFC 9110. The obsolete formats are not supported.